
拉丁学院的艺术课程激发创造力, encourage students to pursue their passions and provide avenues to develop new skills.


Latin’s arts program promotes success in a nurturing environment that helps students develop self-esteem, gives them freedom to learn from taking artistic risks and encourages them to take pride in their accomplishments. Students have many opportunities to share their art with others through 公众音乐会, 戏剧, 展品, 刊物及简报.

  • AP工作室艺术
  • CAD:建筑制图 & 设计 
  • 计算机平面设计
  • 数字视觉艺术
  • 数码影像
  • 图1 & 2
  • 时装设计
  • 电影制作
  • 全球研究视觉艺术
  • 独立学习 
  • 现代艺术史
  • 摄影1 & 2
  • 观察画
  • 雕塑1 & 2 
  • 工作室绘画


The upper school AP工作室艺术 class provides students with the opportunity to synthesize the knowledge that they’ve gained from other art courses and focus on the skill of idea development. The class is centered around a review-critique-revise process in order to produce a more compelling piece of work. 学习 more about this community of artists in Art Teacher Christine Holloway’s class.



I decided that doing this ISP would be beneficial in making me a more well-rounded videographer.


Latin's 独立学习 Program (ISP) offers students the opportunity to discover their passions and learn about a topic tailored to their interests. The ISP 电影制作 class final project was to create a film featuring in-depth interviews with multiple sources, including a Latin alum who works in the cybersecurity field. News coverage surrounding popular social media platform TikTok and its concern with cybersecurity inspired the concept of this upper school student's film.


通过表演艺术课程, 公众音乐会, 戏剧和演讲, students cultivate skills that include learning technique, 命名法, 互相倾听的能力, 分享想法, 一起工作, and be able to take creative risks in a safe and nurturing environment. Students have many opportunities to share their art with others through 公众音乐会, 戏剧和演讲.

表演课使用即兴表演, 现场研究, 而游戏朝着创造真实的目标努力, 舞台上的诚实世界. In doing so, students learn about themselves and the world around them. 他们被鼓励以一种新的方式看待生活, and explore the world from the viewpoint of someone else. The acting curriculum has three levels: 代理公司, Intermediate Acting, and 推进d Acting.

  • 代理公司
  • 即兴表演公司
  • 演讲
  • 编剧才能
  • 乐队
  • 芝加哥的舞蹈
  • 合唱/合唱团
  • 舞蹈技术
  • 舞蹈公司
  • 舞蹈指导
  • 编剧/导演
  • 音乐技术导论
  • 音乐理论

Participating in middle school and high school productions taught me so much about empathy and creative expression, 随着年龄的增长, I realized how much those skills in particular prepared me for leadership in the Latin community and beyond.



When students are conscious and proactive about learning, it provokes a more personal response to engaging with the material.


The upper school 推进d 代理公司 class performed the play “Silent Sky” by Lauren Gunderson during the 2018-19 school year. This true story of 19th-century astronomer Henrietta Leavitt, whose quest to measure the distance of stars begins at Harvard Observatory and ends up changing our understanding of the universe.

推进d 代理公司 is made up of juniors and seniors who have taken classes in the upper school acting curriculum. The course culminates in a production fully produced and managed by students. With the rehearsal process embedded into class time throughout the semester, it allows the cast and crew to delve deeper into the play, 花更多的时间在剧本和人物分析上, 合奏和戏剧, while also providing students opportunities to oversee behind-the-scenes work like costume and makeup design.




我们展示学生和教师的艺术 & 员工、校友和专业艺术家.

One of the reasons why theater is so important is that it teaches empathy and presentation skills, and I found myself applying both to my schoolwork outside of the shows.


因为我在拉丁文课上有很棒的美术老师, I was able to become confident in the fact that art is what I enjoy doing more than anything else.


  • 音乐剧和非音乐剧作品
  • 学生艺术展览
  • VIDI 摄影杂志
  • ECCO 文艺杂志
  • 年鉴俱乐部
  • Latones & Romanettes (male and female a capella groups), Gospel Choir, Student/教师 Chorale
  • opportunities to participate in talent shows and improv performances
  • 私人声音/器乐教学